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04/02/23 11:18 AM

#246198 RE: rfj1862 #246196

OT your HDL is crazy high. That combined w your family history is fantastic. Everyone in my family dies of heart disease. My LDL okay but I think I would benefit from an PCSK9i. The genetic data so dramatic.


04/02/23 12:18 PM

#246201 RE: rfj1862 #246196

Well the general consensus is that U definitely want your LDL cholesterol under 100 mg/dl and preferably under 70 mg/dl . You can probably get close to that with a generic Statin or Bempedoic acid ( ESPR ) plus Zetia.
I'm only using a sub Q, PCSK9 because I'm HeFH ...inherited high LDL cholesterol on my fathers side.
Baseline many years ago at 312 mg/dl at 20 mg/dl .
Thats max does Crestor plus the Repatha
I'm the only male ( on my fathers side ) to live past 62 ...due to early use of Statins with Vascepa and Repatha added later.

Poster North can tell U about Vascepa ( AMRN ) . I believe high serum EPA lowers CV event risk much is questioned by many ......due to the placebo used in their pivotal trail ....



04/02/23 2:04 PM

#246203 RE: rfj1862 #246196

Do a coronary CT if you have no signs of artherosclerosis no point of controlling LDL. Psk9 inhibitors do not lower all cause mortality in fact there’s a slight increase in mortality but not stats sig.