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04/02/23 9:15 AM

#96963 RE: PlutoniumImplosion07 #96962

Did he ever directly respond to it beyond doding the question?

He couldn't could he? He had no answer to it!. That in itself should have told you all you needed to know!
No engagement whatsoever on the technical aspects. Just the usual ad hominem attacks. Couldn't play the ball, so went after the man instead! These were the contentions that were being made: (most likely by acolytes rather than Berman himself, although there is little doubt who was pulling their strings!)
- I was 'shorting' to get valuable shares at undervalue:
(Except I neither bought nor sold DECN shares at any point. I wouldn't. Because I knew they were always going to be worthless, come the finish. Even Putting aside the conisderable ethical objections to investing in DECN, It was anyways clear that any transient upticks on the pumps would be ruthlessly diluted out by Berman. That was the game after all. And the inevitable slide was never going to produce a return. Why waste good money on this POS!?)
- I was part of a cabal with a personal vendetta against Berman.
(Whereas all I actually ever did was express healthy skepticism, ask pertinent questions and draw the inevitable conclusions from what I found! That hacking narrative was hilarious. It was Berman himself who put that deck in the public domain by linking to it himself as Pluto on ihub.)
- I was in the pay of 'Big Pharma' who saw DECN as a disruptive threat and wanted to kill off the game changing DECN technology or more likely acquire it on the cheap... (except there was NO game changing DECN technology WAS THERE.... so....? Even what he did cite as his supposed tech - in the Hatsuki papers and such like was unpatented public domain information, published and free for anyone to exploit... so there would be no need for Big pharma to shut DECN down, even if their purported tech did work!
DECN had no patent and could not stop anyone else from simply going down the same route they 'claimed' to be going. The reason no one else did so was simply that it was an obvious dead end! And the important point here was that DECN themselves only ever 'claimed' to be going down that route. There is still as yet no evidence that they ever did anything much more than label up an existing glucose meter as a covid test.

The ad hominem attacks were laughable in their audacity! But they were also all potentially actionable falsehoods. Which maybe why I guess he left it to his acolytes to make them, by and large. Why would I (and others) seek to further add to the woes of Berman's victims with threats of litigation. They would suffer enough already!
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04/02/23 2:09 PM

#96964 RE: PlutoniumImplosion07 #96962

He demanded proof for so long but doesn't seem to have responded to crystal clear proof.

You got that right!
It almost got to the point where I could rebut his 'lack of proof' faster than he could demand it!
His response was sometimes to delete his posts!