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04/03/23 2:09 PM

#2723 RE: Dirk12 #2722

@Dirk... They fully understand the perilous situation. A lawsuit at this stage basically blows it up, and ends the whole thing for everyone. And once it is fully evident that they they truly have no regard for the legacy shareholders, I for one will be happy to see that happen -- particularly after they let Zamora rob the store, and spent a couple million dollars (I think) on a separate product line that their own documents now deem to be worthless.

But I still believe that Musick is a decent human being, and did not set out to $crew everyone. I do not want to destroy the man's work, unless he refuses to cooperate with shareholders. Things have now progressed to where it is put up or shut up time, in terms of a public listing. They have done everything they need to do to re-engage on an exchange. The only excuse (which is running out quickly) is that they would prefer to do this via an IPO, so that they can generate the funding that they desperately need (having assumed a lot of overhead last year without any means to pay for it). But the IPO is now almost seven months old, and is gathering moss quickly. There have been no updates (which I realize is probably necessary to an extent, but c'mon...) There is a point -- and that point for me is a year after the IPO was announced -- where they have to either go through with the IPO or file for an OTC listing without an IPO. There is no rational justification for further denying liquidity to legacy investors otherwise. Every day they do is a tort, with very real damages. Their lawyers have to know this. If they want the shareholders to give up and burn down the house, that's up to them. They either give us liquidity this year or face the consequences. As I said recently, I've had it with these people.