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03/27/23 6:32 PM

#46239 RE: 8thaero #46238

GORO is irrelevant and not comparable to Mexus and Santa Elena.

Anybody claiming to be a savvy (and informed) investor in mining stocks should have recognized Mexus as unserious and fraudulent back in 2016. Did you?

I tried to explain to folks why the drill assays were fraudulently presented by Mexus in PRs. A few investors listened but most didn't. Why? Because a lot of people trusted YOU and your supposed ability to pick a winner. And your nonsense about amazin' rich ponds, veins disappearing into the faroff hills, and that awesome mining contractor MarMar.

Any apologies to Mexus investors for misleading them?


03/28/23 4:02 PM

#46243 RE: 8thaero #46238

Pure silliness is any riisky OTC mining player who obviously can't stand to take a loss. Bard said " Get thee away to a nunnery". Nobody at fault but self and none online in particular can MAKE you do anythintg. Self admission reveals.the culpret . Take a bow., Need is a simple positive average and "rich" defines it well. Ask then why are you here anyway? . . .