I've never maintained that the dividend date would drive up the share price. That's been one of your arguments. You and your like minded buddies have argued that the dividend was a pump and dump scheme fostered by Bots management.
One of the first rules taught to registered securities reps is that you don't sell dividend dates. The reason is that on the ex-dividend date (the first day you can buy or sell the stock without the dividend attached) the price of the stock is adjusted down by the value of the dividend that they gave away. It's a neutral value transaction for shareholders. Savvy investors know this. That's why a lot of people aren't beating down the doors to buy Bots.
What's important is what happens to the value of each company's shares after the dividend and how investors interpret the fact that the company is distributing a dividend. Is it a sign of strength or weakness? What's the likelihood that either company will be in a stronger position after the dividend, that their share price will rise?