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03/21/23 1:48 PM

#94 RE: richrichrich #93

No worries

Monthly royalty trusts in certain regions and positioned by their history coming out of a class action payout ending, will continue to pay imo, so follow the underlying commodity price and the amount will mirror the % move.

HGTXU is one



03/23/23 4:03 PM

#98 RE: richrichrich #93

These are not dividends paid to encourage the purchase of shares of a company about to go belly up.
These are royalties required to be paid each month making this stock pretty much short proof.
The reason they are currently under the radar is because they went through a period from mid 2015 until July of last year with little to no divi at all because of some settlements they had to pay.
Also i'm not sure who, but a company tried to buy out the trust awhile back at way below the stock price at the time and luckily the shareholders voted it down.