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03/21/23 4:37 AM

#398 RE: powerbattles #397

Do you live in Europe or Spain ,it seems like it because when it is 1:36 am here in Oregon your on here posting,I get up to watch the stock market at 1 am it starts trading at 3 am in new York


03/21/23 4:53 AM

#401 RE: powerbattles #397

Sounds good, and seems good, but why do you suppose they had their credit downgraded twice in the last week?

It's nice to see it bounce, but we saw it bounce from, $18 to $50, only to have it go back down to $12...

There is some other underlying condition that is causing this. JPM isn't advising on a capital raise, or a sale, because they are healthy, and flush with enough liquidity to weather any storm. Something doesn't add up.