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02/16/07 7:28 PM

#61487 RE: H2NRG #61461

Thanks H2NRG for producing this post.

Granted, the share price rocketed over a period of months but to look at the RM and then I think the 125MM Elvis contract ((or whatever it was) does not matter), it just goes to show that when a company has a focus, they can do anything.

I honestly believe that TM's first involvement in BCIT was strictly from an investment point of view for him and the profit potential it offered to him personally back around 2000 BUT Mario Pino (in his infinate wisdom and stupidity) has given to TM a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to financially "clean-up" in the markets.

I mean, just think for a moment, how MUCH money we are talking about JUST for TM with his 250MM shares IF the share price were to just rise to a single dollar, NEVER MIND how much he personally stands to make if the PPS just runs away without looking back. With 200MM shares short, to me, the sky is the limit. There are a LOT of ZERO'S in 200 MILLION and EVERY one represents ONE share of stock. The Brokers could be "covering" for WEEKS NOT days depending on how few shares are sold back to them. THIS is WHY it is SO CRITICAL that NO ONE SELLS. BLEED the BUMS DRY is the way I feel.

Art has already let us in on his conversations with TM about the possibility that an oil and gas company could be RM'ed into BCIT


If we never forget that TM is already a real estate mogul, anyone with even the slightest imagination and vision for the future can see the POTENTIAL here is "off the scale" IF you made BCIT a "holding" company for a gas and oil buisiness as well as a real estate empire and ANNOUNCED these RM's to co-inside with OR SOON after, the resumption of BCIT's ability to trade.

It has been stated here over and over again BUT I beg everyone who is even thinking about selling their positions to just stop and consider this senerio (sp)

The brokers do NOT have us by the short hairs. WE HAVE THEM and they are only NOW realizing that TM is NOT one to "screw" around with.

I can not see TM (after ALL he has been through ((getting 8 and 10K's up to date, winning a "court" battle, etc.))for himself and for us) relinquishing to the DTCC DEMANDS for more shares to "cover" the 200MM short. For Tom to give in at this point just does NOT make sense. So predicated on this point,

Even though Scottrade says they will NOT allow trading until the 205's match the 106's, THEY do NOT have a LEGAL leg to stand on. Yes, it might take a court battle to get them to relinquish BUT EVEN a BLIND man (or woman) can see Scottrade in their NON ending desire for commissions ALLOWED us to CONTINUE trading AFTER they were WARNED that doing so might have some SERIOUS ramifications. They played their hand just like Ameritrade did and NOW they are becoming SERIOUSLY aware that they are in the WRONG and this is going to get VERY expensive for them THE LONGER they stall the resolution. They "gambled" BCIT would go "belly up" BUT we are still here and they are TERRIFIED.


Now TM is crossing the pond to meet with "the powers that be" and I would give ANYTHING to be present at those meetings to watch him in action. It is my opinion that regardless of how much money it costs him in the short term and however long (time) it takes in the long term, he intends to make the DTCC, brokers, and who ever else "accountable" for their "screwing" with his good name and his shareholders and subsequently his company's MONEY. AND what better way to hurt someone than to be MORE successful than them and to hurt them in their wallet.

I swear to you all and I could be WAAAY wrong here BUT I honestly believe BCIT is going to become a stock symbol synomous (sp) with SPEA/CKXE and that is why I am NOT selling UNTIL the MM's come UP to my PRICE.

Yes, today we may be a pinky shell with NO revenue BUT that does NOT give ANYONE (DTCC, Brokers, brokerages, MM's or the SEC) the RIGHT to NOT treat OUR company with the same RESPECT due to a well recognized blue chip company. I am NOT living in a dream world here people. I am being DEAD serious.

TM has already made the moves to take us to a higher exchange so that to me says that the man is NOT just looking for a "settlement" for BCIT and subsequently "retire" the company. I honestly believe, his vision for us is to make a MARK on the investment community and to let the world know that we are here to stay.

I like everyone else here back on 10/30/06 saw that 15 cents and was "thrilled" when my 1MM shares instantly became worth 150K BUT I have had 4 more months to think about this situation over and over again and I honestly believe that 15 cents IS only the tip of the ice burg. The moment we open, and Legacy sees NOTHING but BUYS lined up with HOPEFULLY FEW if any SELLS, that 15 cents is quickly going to become a distant memory.

Legacy STANDS to make a FORTUNE (just like the rest of us as the PPS rises on a 45 degree angle) as the ONLY MM for a period of 30 days. EVERY OTHER MM has to just sit back, watch, and think to themselves that the BONUS's that they were just given for RAPEING the public they are now going to have to pay to someone to BALANCE the books.

In closing, once we start trading again, the excitement on this board and the ripple effect throughout the investment community as well as the MEDIA telling the world about the prevalent corruption in the US Markets, WILL have been so well worth it.

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02/16/07 8:52 PM

#61491 RE: H2NRG #61461

Thanks, H2NRG. The SPEA chart is awesome, to say the least. But I also like that write up on shell stocks. It sounds a lot like our little shell company :)