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03/19/23 12:17 PM

#114843 RE: DeerBalls #114839

Always good to keep things in perspective with the VWAP, DB, thanks!

I was telling a fellow shareholder the other day that, as far as I can see, nothing has changed in our situation, and we really are STILL in the best position we've been in.

It appears to just be a waiting game.

Dates are emotionally "dangerous" for us to focus on because we've had so much PTSD over the years, but... after 10 years of this battle, Big Tech (and I mean BIG Tech) still has not killed off pesky little VPLM. So as we draw near to the July 17 Amazon court date, we just might not have to wait much longer than that.

And I believe DB is correct about VZ as well, being the most likely domino to fall first.

It is very reasonable to believe that settlements (or other "surprises") are in our future, and could literally happen at ANY time.

Hang in there, folks!!