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03/17/23 12:08 PM

#32779 RE: Cornerstone_Marketing #32778

It’s a piece of shit scam just like the rest, the only business here is selling shares


03/17/23 12:09 PM

#32780 RE: Cornerstone_Marketing #32778

I can read

What I am noticing is that you are not answering my questions about the feeling and perception of a CEO making a claim of $300 million in revenues, and then you blaming it on a FLAW.

The bottom line is that the $300 million turned into less than $1 million over a 5 year period.
It's not like they did $275 million and missed by 25 million

The CEO missed by $300 million

As for PROVING SOMETHING TO ME - The company, you if you are part of the company, or simply a proponent or supporter of the company do in fact have to PROVE to me that Sofpulse is a good product. Prove means show me factual and tanglible things, not opinions.

You have to PROVE to me that an investment in ENDV can return an ROI to me.

You have to PROVE to me that management is legitimate and will not make the same mistakes as they have in the past.

When you say you don't have to PROVE to me something, then you are saying you don't have to prove anything to an INVESTOR, which I am, to a person that has a family that may have a need for Sofpulse, which I am and more importantly you have to PROVE to me because I am a successful business person that has influence in not only my business, but on a much larger scale which means I have the ability to let many thousands of people know about a successful product that has medical and health benefits.

So be very careful you don't have to PROVE anything to me.

If you would like to meet in person, I would gladly do so. I am in Bergen County, Nj and would find time to set aside 60-minutes to meet with you in person at a place that you pick.