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03/16/23 10:04 PM

#92071 RE: Middleborder #92067

Middleborder, you could be right but I was thinking about what GrowthMindset said earlier; but still:
Back in the day before, or at the beginning of cobbling this merger agreement together, certain opportunities may not have been on the table such as the EXIM loan. Is it possible GXII investors backed out of the money deal (via redemption 95%) for some reason, like seeing a more efficient way to get things done and cut costs? Weren’t GX instructions to vote Board recommendations FOR no redemption? I have a hard time seeing a 95% redemption from the whole bunch, like I don’t believe dictators win elections by 95%). Doesn’t really matter now, other than to speculate, that NioCorp might have a better play for funding going forward. ( EXIM or others ). Any who redeemed can still redeploy money back into NioCorp however they wish.
I also wonder what Kehler’s role was in Washington; was he needed? Some things don’t fit logically about how everything is concluding, although there may be a method in the madness thats not easily seen. IDK…