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02/28/23 7:51 PM

#16599 RE: bontooth #16598

I have a small position. The dividends are a nice thing to have while we wait for new investors to finally re-enter the cannabis market. Unfortunately, so many people came rushing into this industry thinking it was going to be a quick rocket ship "green rush" and they got burned. BADLY.

So now interest in the sector has dried up completely, save for the short run up leading into the elections (which has since mostly deflated once it became clear SAFE was a big fat "nothing burger."

So here we sit, those who got in thinking this was more of a 5 -10 year play. We sit and wait, and pick up cheapies when they are on sale, and we wait some more. tick tock....

I do still think 2023 is going to be the year of the big bifurcation, between those who got caught naked when the tide went out, vs those who actually know how to run a business. There will some good deals (distressed asset sales) coming soon.