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The Man With No Name

02/24/23 11:07 PM

#749457 RE: Robert from yahoo bd #749455

Why don't you give us an analogous example of the NWS and a bankruptcy reorg where two profitable enterprises with quarterly income in the billions were restructured.

Robert listen and listen good, it doesn't matter if they are making a trillion dollars in quarterly income, what matters is if they have the adequate capital buffer as required by law....and they don't. Furthermore, it doesn't matter how much money they are making if your security, the commons, isn't "in the money" and IT IS NOT.

As far as an analogous example of the NWS, any post-petition DIP loan restructuring that changes the terms of the original loan is analogous.

A lot of people have compared AIG to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

And? And the government took 92% of AIG. They could easily do the same here but IMO they will take more.

Maybe the GM bankruptcy? But that was not a government sponsored enterprise with a special Charter from Congress to be the backbone of the US Secondary Mortgage Market was it?

The magical charter you keep referring to will not save you. You may as well quit acting as if it's a special silver bullet. But concerning GM, the government picked winners and losers and shoved it right down shareholder's and bondholder's throats. And Judge Gerber allowed it.

MC said this was an administrative bankruptcy and that all the litigation will go away.

More or less it is and yes, the litigation will go away. He wasn't wrong.


02/25/23 12:42 AM

#749462 RE: Robert from yahoo bd #749455

Whatever you think fully capitalized market cap is —- subtract from that the difference of capital requirements and how much capital they have now. That would be how much leftover value there would be if the companies were to raise that money. Compare that to the spspa liquidation preference

You quickly begin to see how the government can absolutely take over these capital structures and take all the existing commons in a restructuring to raise new third party capital

Like 99% plus dilution is not impossible

When i hear someone owns common shares i just think that they do not understand how enormous this spspa is and how a restructuring of an undercapitalized company works. Good luck, but owning commons is a fools paradise