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02/23/23 12:33 PM

#396529 RE: shazamm #396528

I realise you didn’t ask me, but I can help anyway.

Long story short, Leo needed a way to siphon off most of IPIX’ cash before he shutters the operation permanently.

Even his over- generous salary doesn’t allow for a quick enough transfer of shareholders’ cash into his own capacious and rapacious pockets, so he fixed up a deal with two of his Israeli buddies to take the majority of IPIX’ cash in exchange for a (very) generous kickback.

I hope that clears things up for you.


02/23/23 12:49 PM

#396530 RE: shazamm #396528

Is this the company Ipix owns a stake in Mack?

They are in the same town as Ipix I believe
Beam’s Cambridge Offices
238 Main Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

I hope this is correct, could their relationship with Innovation be, in part or whole, centered around an easier/faster path to the public equity markets via pubco, IPIX? Just spit balling theories here…

Also stumbled on this:


02/24/23 8:41 AM

#396543 RE: shazamm #396528

shazamm, a brief answer is that IPIX and BeaMed got together via a program set up by the governments of the USA and Israel to encourage synergistic commercial collaborations between the two countries. I am paraphrasing from memory, but that is the jest of it. Any speculation that it was a scam that Leo orchestrated to financially benefit is ridiculous imo, as as is any declarative statements that nothing positive will result from IPIX's minority ownership in BeaMed for many years. As for the rest of it, I suggest that you invest the time to read the press releases on the IPIX website to get up to speed. I believe this 4 million dollar investment by Leo will payoff beyond what we might imagine the amazing StingRay laser technology reaches commercialization. NOTE: YOU CAN ONLY BUY SHARES OF BEAMED BY INVESTING IN IPIX.