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02/23/23 12:50 PM

#749290 RE: FOFreddie #749278

The government can only get $100 to $200 billion out of FnF if someone gives the money. Common shareholders are the only ones who can be milked/screwed on a large scale.

Therefore, there can be no Solomonic solution where the government gets up to $200 billion and the old common shareholders would suffer no harm - no matter who will be elected as POTUS.

Someone has to give, and in doubt it will be the weakest in the pecking order [aka in the capital stack ranking].

Maybe he can pick up Trumps idea and make $ 100bn - $ 200 bn without screwing shareholders

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02/23/23 1:40 PM

#749302 RE: FOFreddie #749278

so you think that little of DJ


if it is Trumps idea ---- why did DJT not pick up 100-200 bn by himself

did he not have the idea or care?
was he that incompetent

seriously ---- the post seemed off