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02/21/23 10:27 AM

#94 RE: fink #93

yes things are changing fast. WIll be lucky is Russia and China don't unite against USA and Nato. WW3 is so very close to starting. Binden's speach in Kyiv was stupid and antagonizing.
Iran is close to a nuke bomb and N Korea building better delivery systems.

Your dad getting paid in procuce in the 60's wow. Our town in 1940-50's had 1400 people. 2 harware stores which ment 2 fundeal homes. 2 MD's and 1 Chiropractor (my dad) a harness shop. 5 grocery stores a John Deer dealer and a IH dealer. 1 ford, 1 Chevy and 1 Plymout dealer, a mens clothing store, a 5 and dime 1 drug store a varriety store a movie teather 5 gas stations, 2 feed stores 1 blacksmith shop, 1 cop, 2 resturants 1 dance hall (it was the American Legion hall) 3 schools 2 were religious, 1 stock yard, 1 moon shiner. The farmers would come into town with horses and tie up in the alleys and hit the taverns while the wives shopped.