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The Man With No Name

02/17/23 5:05 PM

#748798 RE: Barron4664 #748797

Oh jeez, here we go again.


02/17/23 6:24 PM

#748807 RE: Barron4664 #748797

So... we can't even win a takings from 2012 but you expect to unwind this whole thing from 1938?

I recommend shelving your ambitions before the men in black come knocking on your door. This world works in a certain way, you're not going to upend the entire system.

I’m of the opinion thanks to your valuable insight that a takings case will pay more than a drop of common share prices similar to AIG because you have shown the the key to unwinding the whole kit and kaboodle. I have been working diligently on developing a great new takings claim based on the Budget and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950 that created the GAO, and the CFO act of 1990 that created FASAB. Forget about HERA and the FHFA. This is about Treasury violating the above two acts, the charter act and the 5th and 14th amendments, and while Im at it throw in major questions doctrine and separation of powers doctrine. All because Treasury abused their power and created a 200 billion commitment fee with no Congressional authority. They decided to control the entities through the SPSPA, and gave themselves greater than 50% ownership. But oops they forgot to consolidate the entities onto the balance sheet for 15 years. If I am successful, the taxpayers get everything, all equity, all the assets too. We are going all the way back to 1938. I dont think the takings will be limited to an AIG style ruling. But there wont be anything because if I am right then the SPSPA will disappear. Figure out the mess afterwords.