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02/17/23 10:37 AM

#4909 RE: pinkslipjunkie #4906

If the truth is exposed then society can change what it likes, many of the NFL players will leave the NFL because they have integrity and will be humiliated by the truth and their honor will be challenged by the revelations. People look up to NFL players as our sports warriors and trust them to do the right thing when presented with the facts. Heroism lives forever, civil rights movement was about courage and not selling out, people remember the courageous in history, those are the honored and appreciated by society in hearts and minds, there needs to be a new transparency movement to authenticate the rigged society, the new mental enslavement needs to be challenged by new heroes. It can start right here or people can quit and wonder decades from now guilty that they never at least talked about the truth, maybe it would have made a difference lying in their beds in 2050 and 2060 wondering and that’s all they will have is their wonder because they won’t have a country or any freedom. All that is required to break the spell is to point out the obvious, the emperor has no clothes, the Spanish Inquisition isn’t doing good, the British Empire is taxing the colonies for the king, Hitler is gassing people who committed no crime, the Soviet Union is using brainwashing propaganda to subjugate Europe, China caused 9/11/01, Fauci and the U.S. created gain of function research leading to CoVid-19, the NFL is rigged for political brainwashing, …human nature doesn’t change, the level of courage to challenge the worst of human nature, to challenge the evil lie that occurs again and again because of human nature which is currently dominating and literally destroying the United States as we speak, that courage is also always present, it is present in you, you can be a hero in history today and henceforth. This is your time, the new story of challenging evil is unique but predictable and it will have its heroes and the villains have been identified.