Choo choo Trader..... I really have no clue but with the exposure involving these lawsuits I tend to believe George is waiting for a green light to finally submit them, heck they could be ready for filing NOW, so we would normally trade sometime the next business day within 24 hours. My hope is that Marty in some way will help George prepare the filings for auditing and believe it imperative that "Frazier & Deeter, LLc must be the one's to finally sign off on all the documents.
re: "HDC Gofundme" account, wow maybe that is the answer to not make bad deals with a few people if that is possibly the reason not to deal with some of them. No doubt in the past dormant Georgia lawsuit Exhibit B was full of people and past officers and directors plus us little guys....I did say dormant but a bit shaky on that thought?....btw, who can you trust?
Lucky is to win a Lottery but HDC has never being lucky so we will claw our way out of this damn hole and finally smile then leave Dodge City.
Roughly 6 hours and we will see if JA kicks in Alice's teeth or HDC's.