? I understand your position - and likely - on a case by case basis - with enough neutral information would agree some times and not others ---- but I understand your thinking (I think)
Now - I think there was a 90% correct statement in the last post which I copy below
MQD recognizes that while the US Congress can delegate sweeping and broad authority to the federal agencies, the US Congress cannot delegate its authority to decide Major Economic and Political Questions that are the very foundationally RESERVED EXCLUSIVELY FOR OUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS.
?? As I read the various descriptions of MQD --- a more accurate statement is ?????
MQD --- lets call it ACTIONS by an angency - should not be inferred from the legislative language where it is vague. However - where the legislative language is specific and clear as to intent - MOD intervention by SCOTUS is not available to SCOTUS under that doctrine (Did not stop SCOTUS on the VRA of saying to congress we see what you wrote and decided but you are dumb so we are changing the legislative action that was clear -- i.e. an abuse under any doctrine - that we are all paying for now as SCOTUS takes over) Note - I do not recall voting for SCOTUS judges who then sit and DECIDE and RULE for life --- decades and decades and more
Well, the great thing about MQD is that the federal courts move away from the Chevron Doctrine, which allows huge deference from the federal agencies self interpretation of their Enabling and subsequent statutory powers.
By the way ---- while I understand and likely on some occasions agree --- i do agree as well with the logic of CHEVRON (or its politics maybe ?) -- that "when done right" agency heads have serious knowledge and as such .... We have seen SCOTUS unable to see the theft as an example of why BIG COURTS are not always wise --- or able to understand or willing to learn ---- ?