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80 bluchip 20 pot

02/09/23 12:26 PM

#73071 RE: Bost #73069

doesn't matter if I was wrong on what you are saying or not.
I'll reiterate the main points:

there are two theses.
Kenny owns UBQU and the OTC and once market corruption is fixed UBQU moves up minimum, squeezes on a chance, but since UBQU is at nobid the chances are high that kenny gets his way as he's done with 10,000 other stocks.

and the thesis I see you guys complaining about. Ballas was corrupt, is corrupt, will always be corrupt and therefore not buying UBQU and complaining at him a lot might be emotionally salving at best. I continue to SMH at this action because if you hold any UBQU stock all those actions do is scare off normies and new investors and so it doesn't even help you possibly selling at trip 1 should my thesis be right and we move up on no fundies no pRs.

so there's only two reasons to argue with me or even respond to me. to evoke an emotional response from me. which worked years ago, not working now.
or to continue the back and forth of the two narratives.

well the narrative of JB always corrupt we're doomed is done regardless of what I post so this thread is over. it's going to happen no matter what I post and I'll continue to post my thesis as long as I believe it or it has any validity.

and finally. anybody who doesn't like what I say I highly suggest they should de follow me and put me on ignore. I no longer care about that.

if you appreciate what I say, use language to let me know. otherwise. this thread is over.