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02/13/23 1:07 PM

#337 RE: DarthYoda #335

These people are constantly involved in some sort of deal, merger or crookedness. It doesn't seem like you can run out of deals and shell companies, scams and scandals. They're either being sued in some sort of class action deal or there's dozens of individual lawsuits going non-stop.

They're constantly being banned from operating in states , can't write new loans or some sort of insurance scam.

Frankly I don't think they care. Their primary motivation seems to be terd mergers, buying up failing mortgage companies, creating hell for the customers, foreclosing, getting sued until they get practically shut down, and then repeat the whole process and do it again.

Just stealing people's home and the government knows it, but just let's them move on.

Seems like Wells Fargo is the same way these days. Maybe they'll have a terd merger marriage one day. The housing industry has turned into a big predatory pump and dump scam with no real oversite from the govt to speak of. They operate just like a stinky pinky OTC stock scam on steroids.