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02/09/23 9:15 AM

#73059 RE: Bost #73056

I have no clue what you are talking about, well, actually I do, the point is to make an anti-me argument, to say I've "failed" at updating shareholders.

I'm not updating YOU, who have admitted you feel justified at being angry at ceos specifically ballas, I'm updating folks who follow my thesis.

Enough. you've already said many times you don't follow my thesis, you no longer appreciate my posts. you follow the thesis that the Ceo and insiders and fundamentals have Screwed the Bagholders of UBQU. For this thesis to work, it assumes also that the OTC, SEC, wall street, and the government itself is fair and working diligently to protect the shareholders, and the true enemy with nefarious intent is solely the insiders of UBQU...specifically Ballas.

if that is the case, I can't prove your thesis ISN'T correct to 100% certainty, and you can continue to post with that thesis, I am sure it emotionally cathartic but imo an entire waste of positive energies.

also, at this point, other that continuing to post the "ballas is the only crook and will continue to be a crook" by arguing with me and placing dispersions trying for an emotional reaction from me, well complaining about ballas plenty do without baiting me. well, I've put them on ignore mostly. Please, let this thread end. if you vehemently disagree with me, leave me to my 43 followers and fans who do PM me on occasion, and put me on ignore. also since we are at nobid, it's too late to just sell and leave, but I still marvel at the folks who loathe this stock, loathe Ballas yet don't stack the ask at 1 trying to get out. I don't think UBQU = 1.00 any more, but I do believe it will run one day. on that day, I will do waht good investors of penny garbage do, sell ...90% and let the other 10% ride. if my thesis IS correct, yeah .10 or even a dollar might be possible, but I get openly mocked for that by the same folks who shouldn't even waste time on this forum and be bagholding a nobid stock they hate.

I do appreciate your fandom earlier on in the play, but if this continues, well I've found putting all the UBQU haters on ignore to have been very good for my confidence in....well my thesis obviously expands WELL beyond UBQU. so if this continues, well I might not be available to directly respond to anymore.