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02/05/23 10:48 AM

#1589 RE: velcro #1588

Ichan bought up the LNG O/S to get a seat on the Board of LNG to remove Souki. The fight was over $20m CEO paycheck.
TELL is damn sure a jaded girl friend getting back at being dumped. Ego is on the line. Like Elon getting to Mars. Men like this will go crazy broke to pull off their goals.

Souki knows the industrial mistakes made building LNG. He won’t make those mistakes with TELL.
We should be in the LNG gravy well past 2026-2028. By then nuclear plants will begin to go hot. And there is a new uranium being used at oakridge that you can hold in your hands safely.

We should be burning Nat gas in our cars like they do in the Czech Rebublic. EVs are too nasty and a drain on the grid.
The only salvation is for the graphene battery to become what everyone hopes it becomes. I’ll buy an EV then, but not this old 1700’s technology Ben Franklin played with.

It’s why I’m hot in TR&LEF. Nat gas going straight into the system today. Easy well drilling too. And finding even bigger pockets of gas. They will supply Europe. Turkey is facing elections too and they got that Syrian issue. Everyone wants peace.