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02/01/23 11:07 AM

#218 RE: nferna #217

Totally agree. My biggest criticism is the lack of urgency. He is so focused on dotting the "i"s and crossing the "t"s for monotherapy that we are facing financial/dilution risks. APTO is finally getting to initial combination studies.

I believe that G1 Lux + venetoclax would have shown significant ORR results at the 750/900mg levels and that would have helped market perception. I agree with movement to G3 as the final formulation, but that doesn't mean we could not have had some combination data.

Many CEOs never waste time trying to get a monotherapy approval. I think he believes it's the fastest path to approval, but that's a risk. Combinations are much more likely to show clear efficacy-IMO.


02/01/23 11:08 AM

#219 RE: nferna #217

I didn't say he is a charlatan. But is science, especially in biology, especially in cell signaling, a lot of things are unknown. Therefore, often you can interpret results in more than one way. What Rice said is just a hypothesis explaining some known facts. I added some observations that don't fit in his theory. I am sure he is aware of them. BTW as science evolve, Rice could modify or change his view. Nothing wrong with it. What is interesting about Rice though, is that he was a CEO of other biotech companies before, but couldn't bring any drug to the market. Bad luck? Or something more serious?