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01/31/23 5:31 PM

#67887 RE: RMS555 #67884

With out the 1-A POS Nutranomics would have not been able to buy “The Plant” also none of us know the reasoning behind the price changes so it can’t be called good or bad.

Non filing of the Q report is not news it’s an event, the reason behind the late filing would be news but that has not been given to date so we don’t know if it is good or bad news.

The YELD sign is a statement of limited information and still meets SEC’s requirements. NNRX filed quite some time ago to go Dark on information (Alternative reporting status) nothing really new there. You forget that OTC is a privet company and very protective in covering there putts.

A lot of stocks go through a quite period with decrease in volume and pps only to bounce back even higher, only a very few and I mean few stock continue to rise year over year, they all have there down times just look and what’s been going on in the markets, Tesla a great company it’s stock price took a plunge and volume drop off now it rebounding. NNRX in all since is a new company now it is no longer a vitamin company, it’s carrying a lot of baggage from past mistakes which will take time to repair, and this is not going to happen overnight.

There are some good things after a hurricane, I have a place in the middle of Fl. About 70 miles for the gulf coast and came through the all the hurricanes in the last four years with out a scratch to me that’s GOOD NEWS; it’s a matter of your perspective an circumstances.