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01/30/23 12:57 PM

#52618 RE: Hoghead7 #52613

"Bull market has almost officially begun."


"Green this week should confirm."


" As stated repeatedly, in my opinion, as long as the market is stable, FCEL will continue to rise even without news."

so fcel is a rudderless, powerless ship out on the stock market ocean and is just bouncing around at the mercy of the currents and waves...smh

" FCEL will continue to rise even without news. Although bad news could put a damper on it."

so fcel will rise, unless it falls?...smh

"Those blips occur all the time, but don't change the trend or long term view."

well thats unfortunate because when i look at a 2 yr chart, what i see is a horrendous downtrend...and i agree, blips wont change that...

"Can't wait to see how far off analysts are this time."

they may be too optimistic?..

"Loads of very + news regarding growth expectations in the sector and monetary policy to validate such"

kinda like how fcel was supposed to sky rocket just as soon as Sen. Munchkin signed those trillion dollar bills?.....still waiting over a year later...smh

"And as I write, bingo, Dow goes green and FCE is 1st of fuel cell companies to follow suit."

as i write, the whole market is down and fcel is just bobbing around in the wake of the stock market, taking on water...yet again...smh


01/31/23 8:31 AM

#52630 RE: Hoghead7 #52613

Okay, so let's delve into HH's statement here. Specifically, I think, HH left out a word or two - in our favor. "Bull market has almost officially begun." I say yes with a huge caveat. HH should have written: " FCEL Bull Market had almost officially begun." Now why? Today's headline over energy - Big Energy: How soon will it be until the world reaches 'peak oil'?
A report by oil giant BP predicts that the world will sharply reduce its reliance on the company's signature product, oil and gas, over the next 25 years.

25+2023 = 2048: "In its annual energy outlook, BP said that fossil fuels, which it said accounted for 80% of energy usage in 2019, would fall to just 20% by 2050."

What does that say about FCEL's Carbon capture? I say, "Big Slice of Apple Pie!" with a glass of water vapor on the side.

“The continuing rise in carbon emissions and the increasing frequency of extreme weather events in recent years highlight more clearly than ever the importance of a decisive shift towards a net-zero future,” Spencer Dale, the chief economist at BP, wrote in a forward to the report. (Dale's report filled with all sorts of tips and bits:

The article: