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01/27/23 2:27 PM

#77037 RE: scottydoesntknow1 #77036

Have a friend that tried earlier this week but so far no response.
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01/28/23 5:24 AM

#77042 RE: scottydoesntknow1 #77036

Oh I fully understand what your saying, no issues there. Nobody ever wants to admit a loss in life or a bad decision and so what happens many times is that people will come up with the craziest stories to explain or justify, (really just to themselves), why, realistically, what was simply just a bad decision on their own part, can certainly not just be man'd up to and accepted for what it was; for if nothing else, the sake of moving on so that the team can just move on and spend their time more productively on other households or potential opportunities. Instead, what they have to is convince themselves that they did not make a mistake and therefore they just hold on foreverdo is with hope, (a very powerful emotion of course) until they cannot keep hanging on to that hope anymore because it's finally (unwillingly of course) been taken behind the barn for them and put out of its misery for good.

Pick any random one:

"They will definitely come back"
"They will be resurrected"
"There will be one last hooraha here and I will be smart this time and get out"
"Definitely things going on behind the scenes that we don't know about"
"See that volume today? (Equivalent of like $10 bucks) someone knows something

A bad decision, (in my opinion at least), no matter what it is in life, (in this instance let's use a bad stock trade as an example), the best thing imo that one can do is realize it as fast as possible, sell it and move on from it. Who cares! Keep your pride and stubbornness in check and go make the loss back. We all make mistakes from time to time, just don't keep keep making them. haha

Now, the first stage of one finally realizing that they were in denial, is when the stock ticker they are invested in and still watching and hoping for just about anything to happen, is still there but there is no ability anymore to liquidate and exit the position. They fell into their own denial of reality that has been staring them in the face for quite a while at that point. A small percentage of their brain knows it is true and they f'd up and so every now and then they question their decision, but just simply do whatever they can to find some confirmation bias to keep that hope going just a bit longer.

But.... The problem is, to realize and accept that a mistake was made, the individual has to have a short 'come to Jesus moment' (as some call it) within themselves and finally just realize that hey, it sucks but I f'd up good on this one. It happens, learn from it, research more, go find a better one for your next trade and make the loss back.

I don't believe it is off topic as it contributes to the overall point I am trying to make but go read a board on this platform labeled C-M-K-M D-I-A-M-O-N-D-S. Very clearly and very obviously is and was a scam. It was suspended and had its registration revoked by the SEC in 2005. That's like 18 years ago. It's actually fascinating that there are still people to this day that think some magic trick is going to happen and everyone was wrong and it was not a scam and they going to end up being rich.

Point being, when you know or are questioning in any way if you f'd up...... Get out of the trade and reevaluate. It doesn't matter if you lose x % on the trade because you at least have some ammo to go recoup it and then keep building from there. Nobody has a 100% success rate in trading. The difference between the successful traders and the ones that still post on boards years after the truth about what was really going down is right there in their face, is the successful traders don't bullshit themselves into believing what very obviously not true just to keep that 'hope' going and not man up and accept that they f'd up and just move on.

But that would take the self realization that they indeed f'd up and wouldn't accept it for far to long.... therefore they are an idiot and they made a stupid bet. But obviously in their opinion of course they are not an idiot and there is no way they made a stupid bet and so... (pick one)

"The regulatory body that either suspended their trading, revoked their status, whatever whatever.... in that specific instance just happened to be wrong that time, was way too harsh, whatever whatever and so it is THEIR fault that the situation is where it is currently. but it will get fixed and when everyone realizes, I'm gunna cash out hard"

"Just because there have been no signs of activity whatsoever, the phone number is disconnected, hasn't been a press or release or financial statement or really anything for that matter posted anywhere going on years now, does not mean anything. There is definitely something massive being worked on behind the scenes and so they are purposely keeping it quiet.... but once they announce it and when everyone realizes, I'm gunna cash out hard"

"Insert whatever crazy story that can be concocted to avoid realizing the truth and continue living the 'hope' that what they truly inside themselves is



To end off my personal rant and address specifically something that was said,

"Many people including myself still own shares in this POS and are only looking for a way out. Becoming current will simply give us the opportunity to liquidate and move on."

I guess a really quick personal opinion and response regarding this statement would be something along the lines of, "one now realizes and can admit that they f'd up, (way too late of course), however they still don't really want to accept that fact and move on to better things and opportunities. So instead, (out of even more desperation of realizing that the fat lady has just taken a deep breath and the mouth is beginning to open), are going to (on most certainly a moral level, but many other for lack of a better phrase, personal scum bag levels as well), sink even lower and just hope that anything happens so they can unload what they know is dogsh*t to someone else that they pray is even more stupid then themselves and will walk right into the trap that they know exists and will even knowingly and willingly encourage them to do so to try and salvage a few percentage points above zero on a decision they willingly made themselves but just simply made a bad bet.

Lastly, in response to........

"Has anyone attempted or successfully made contact with Evan to at least provide some transparency of the the current status?"

It's very obviously been abandoned brah. Anyways, wishing everyone all the best in their future trades. Learn from your past mistakes, stay hella disciplined and make that bank. Cheers.