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01/25/23 10:56 PM

#37 RE: MindlessSelf #35

Several things were handled in a muddied fashion, from beginning up til now. I hope these missteps cease, and the network builds out. When they get FAssets running and Layer Cake, then I think it will really take off. But I fully expect price drop and lagging for awhile. Although one dynamic that I just understood may help the price some: I at first thought that the remaining 85% distribution was connected to tokens you owned, wrapped, and delegated prior to the vote...but to my understanding ALL future monthly distributions of the remaining 85% distribution are connected to whatever tokens you have delegated in any given month. So for example, they take the first snapshot of delegated tokens...the next month you will receive an appropriate amount of FLR based on that snapshot. But if before the NEXT snapshot you sell all your won't get any further FLR as part of the distribution model. In essence, there will be random snapshots for the entire term of the remaining 85% distribution. So, no one can buy them now, wait til the vote passes, then sell them all. They may qualify for one months distribution that way, but nothing further. To get maximum benefit over the next three years, one must hold their tokens the whole time. And buying more over the next 36 months will also continue to increase your overall distribution over the entire distribution time. I don't think this is widely understood and there will be a sell off after this proposal passes, but then demand should start to pick back up as people understand this aspect. For example, and I think this is fairly close, but I could be off a little....right now every token you buy will entitle you to 5.6666666 more tokens spread over the next 36 months, assuming you hold them all for the entire distribution time. But lets say you buy a token one year from third if the distribution time has been each token bought one year from now (holding it for the remaining 24 months) will qualify you to get 3.78 more tokens in the next 24 months from that time. Buying a token in two years will qualify you to receive 1.88 more tokens over the remaining 12 months of the snapshot. So some natural demand is built into how the distribution works. Assuming the vote passes, which it is safe to say it will at this point....981 million For 49 million against, with a couple more days to go.