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01/23/23 11:17 AM

#165786 RE: #1 PATRIOTS_RSOX FAN #165785

Patriot, looks like everyone has thrown their hands up and figures why bother, we probably won’t get an answer or just more of what I call “delay talking”. It gets very quiet during these times, (especially when Briz gets quiet) lol. Guess we just wait and deal with everyday life like we’re use to. Until…..


01/23/23 3:56 PM

#165790 RE: #1 PATRIOTS_RSOX FAN #165785

Screw an email to the CEO, I went to his LinkedIn account post so everyone could see how he’s been all hot air and producing no results.

My post: “The only Brand I’d like to hear about is the one for CBD of Denver. As a shareholder I have a large investment at stake, only to see it lose value the day you became CEO. All you have offered so far is lip service, so TikTok would seem like the right forum for you. Where’s the audit and name change, why no completion? These are the questions that should matter to you. I don’t hide behind a fake identity, as you can see I am a real person, with a real career while you play CEO to more than one company now??? If you can’t right this ship, please let someone else who can give their full focus to its success.”

His BS response, “Thanks for the feedback!! It would be great if we could actually put some of our brands on TikTok, all social media platforms ban advertising of CBD, which is what makes growing a brand so challenging. As for questions about current progress on the company, I did a Twitterspace before Christmas to update investors and take any questions people may have. We do these quite regularly, so I would suggest listening in on the next one, and we can address all your questions in that forum.

In this particular discussion, we talk a lot about the current industry challenges, and what we are trying to get done. I would also point you to our Q3 financials and commentary from November 15th for further information.”