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01/21/23 4:37 PM

#435546 RE: livefree_ordie #435544

Da fuq man, I say some strange stuff myself but what the hell was that? Who the fuck is Davis? you've been slandering this person all day. Do you not think that this Davis person has a family to go home to?


01/21/23 5:40 PM

#435553 RE: livefree_ordie #435544

No, not my opinion. I realize that mistakes can be made by reporters but also that real reporting can be corrected with new information.

YOU think that everything you don't believe, MOSTLY don't comprehend, is fake news. Which make you a sucker for conspiracy theories and for the unending bullshit that comes from Trump and his supporters.

Election denial and anit-vaxxer junk science are right up your alley, as they are for all poorly educated critical thinking skill deficient Trumpanzees.

Watch and learn what real imbecility looks like in the coming series of GOP House hearings/witch-hunts.

See who reports, fact checks the shit out of, what the GOPERS allege. It's gonna be a hoot!


01/21/23 5:49 PM

#435554 RE: livefree_ordie #435544

I cannot believe anyone can be as ignorant as you appear to be. It is news, you expect everything in the news to be truthful and accurate. It is news, it is an event that has happened, you read about it, and if it interests you, you continue to read up on that story.

Many times, the news event is just a headline about something that has happened. Not all of the facts, or information have been discovered. That is why you continue to keep up with the story or dismiss it. The only people who read from one source of news do not care to find out anything more than what is reported by that news organization.

News is also a business, and just so many resources can be devoted to any story, and for only a certain length of time. So, if something develops many weeks later that was not known when the story was first reported, it is not a lie, it is just more information.

As for coming to a conclusion, once again you have to ask yourself if you are prejudging the news before all of the relevant information is out there.

The stock market is a great source for news, but everyday some stories are just breaking, and they are reported, they do not have everything that is required to make a conclusion, but they contain enough information to warrant further reading.

Just like your post, it is not Davis, it is Davos, Switzerland. I watch it every year, and it is important. Some of the smartest people in the world, and some of the richest people in the world, along with many of the most influential people of the world gather to discuss the topics and issues effecting money. Now who would not care how money is moved around the world.

Like in any business, or almost anything, it is called, follow the money. Almost everyone in the world is doing something to make and earn money, it is what has always made the world move. Trade makes a countries economy move.

Trillions have been lost these past few years, as the countries of the world have moved to restrict the supply of money after a pandemic forced them to print so much to prop their own economies. Along with the rise of interest rates, money is now seeking a safe haven, or a country that is stable enough to withhold this restriction in the money supply.

Along with the new technologies that are being developed all of the time to assist companies in producing the very goods and services almost all of use every day. Maybe your life doesn't change, but I assure you that everyone wakes up each day and tries to make theirs better.

It will take weeks before anyone can make a sound decision on what they learned at this economic forum. You want everything easy, like a simple sentence about life, with no changes, or allowances for unseen events. The Ukraine War keeps changing the playbook, China opening up its economy will change the supply and demand situation. So many unknowns that have not been discovered or used to understand how it effects everything else.