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01/20/23 5:46 PM

#1530 RE: goingUPagain #1528

Here was a recent acquistion - TECALCO.

GEGR - Tecalco

The fundamental change I hope to see with all of the GEGR acquisitions is that they expand their sales force to sell all of these proven products and services from all of the acquisitions, into the U.S., Canada and Latin America, basically growing the overall size of their market.

So many stocks are so undervalued right now and GEGR is certainly one of them. Just waiting patiently for the bear market to end and for the bull market to begin again. It would make trading a whole lot more fun.

With all of GEGR's assets, revenue and income, 1.8 cents appears to be ridiculously undervalued. Someday the stock market will wake again, bringing the tide in with it.

Back in 2009, during that bear market cycle, I think it was around the 9th of March when the markets flushed out for good and then tons of money came flowing back into the market. Until then, can't do much from my perspective.