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01/09/23 6:41 AM

#127330 RE: BG1 #127329

Why ?

I will be very glad to leave the DMAN postings 100 % once I see :

@ full transparency from the company
@ 100 % truths and Accuracy
@ revenues obtained based on EBITDA they state will be realized vs fluff [t][/t]
@ understanding the real management and who is pulling the strings behind this Company
@ what the registration if approved will look like. A few managements ago I believe the ceo name was Fisher with Tom Coleman and others announced they would be doing a registration as well. Never happened , all fell apart then as well and another company then went into DMAN again
@ how many additional shares will be coming to market
@ if you notice in last of presentations, pdfs, proforma suggestions, news releases and other statements including how websites are presented with the new companies the feel and look of these are pretty much All the same vs independent new management truly coming in, which shows me possibly someone besides these Peter and others are controlling the puppet in what is relayed to the public
@ could it be reason why so many turnovers is because people controlling the strings is overbearing
@ could it be people controlling the strings make it impossible for true new owners to actually own and retain their equity and they get rid of tge new management they put into place when convenient for them and they were used for their own purposes because they own lots free trading shares and sell on the releases ?

Hopefully can see + results that are real so I can never post on this board again

Until then I will give my opinions to keep the people pulling the strings to get honest best I could

Has anyone called or emailed the company to see when the audits are coming out ?

Anyone curious what they will say vs what has been stated last few years ?

Coffee time now

Enjoy the day