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Wise Man

01/09/23 1:53 AM

#743946 RE: Robert from yahoo bd #743943

Only the mobsters expect a day in court, after the corrupt plaintiffs covered up the key statutory provisions, like:
-Restriction on Capital Distributions (dividends, etc)
-The conservator's Rehab power.
-The fee limitation in their Charters.
-The special borrowing right from Treasury in their Charters.
Besides that a dividend is only paid out of available profit for distribution in a Retained Earnings account, with deficit since the first quarter of conservatorship.
So, it wasn't a true dividend payment but a capital distribution that we applied towards the exceptions to the Restriction on Capital Distributions mentioned, both in the FHEFSSA as amended by HERA, and the July 20th, 2011 (time limit for the Acting Director, DeMarco. Coincidence?) 12 CFR 1237.12.
A Separate Account plan FHLBanks-style, versus the SCOTUS's flawed interpretation of the FHFA-C's Incidental Power (shameless omission of part of the sentence, like judge Sweeney. Members of The Tipp-Ex Gang) to satisfy the shocking MOB's narrative: "FHFA can do whatever it wants", that is, FHFA not subject to any law.
The financial concepts have a meaning. Playing the fool is not an option.
Fanniegate is a pure Administrative resolution, primarily because it begins with a refund of $125.4 billion due to FnF ($110 billion SPS overpayment, plus $15.4 CRT expenses, net) and a posting of $183.3 billion as Retained Earnings, regardless that later on, in a Taking, the full Retained Earnings is distributed back to UST as a dividend to fund the Taking, along with their Deferred Income that was amortized into earnings in one fell swoop. All in, the UST only has to put up $49.5 billion out of the ill-gotten money, and the outcome is a windfall of $76 billion corresponding to the Deferred Income, before subtracting the loss with the CRT expenses, depending on whether they are funds syphoned off to UST as I believe, or a loss if it's money extorted out of FnF to Wall Street under the guise of a CRT market (scam).
The Congress is for the final touches, if any.
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Wise Man

01/09/23 2:46 AM

#743947 RE: Robert from yahoo bd #743943

Robert:"We continue to rebuild capital at least on paper".
That "paper" is their Balance Sheets, a financial statement whose accuracy is protected by the Exchange Act and the Sarbaney-Oxley Act, with severe criminal penalties.
"At least on paper" is said by someone that has spent all day in conference calls with the rest of plotters, and they know that the beginning of the sentence is a big lie based on the flawed financial statements of FnF, where the SPS increased for free since 2017 are missing, in order to evade recording the offset with the reduction of Retained Earnings that wipes out the Retained Earnings that FnF just built, and thus, FnF are not building capital. In other words, based on Financial Statement fraud.
"At least on paper" is considered playing the fool, like the Berkowitz's attorney, David Thompson, with "I'm not a securities lawyer" and thus, it's part of the conspiracy to defraud the United States and the FnF shareholders, and it carries the same conviction.
Like @navycmdr posting the Hindes' letter after stripping out his name and the name of his hedge fund, to avoid crippling liabilities for all the lies in it. A letter considered an attempt to blackmail the President of the United States, with pictures of both together, after writing that he met with WH officials and pointing out the hedge funds that own FnF stocks, even making up that Kyle Bass owns stocks, first time that his name comes to the surface. Also, John Paulson, when it's supposed that he closed down his fund many years ago and he no longer owns JPSs. Anyway, a FnF JPS is considered a safe asset class and any investor is entitled to take advantage of this stock price manipulation. An investment by the book. I don't see why the name of a stockholder is a hurdle, unless that stockholder is also a conspirator, like John Paulson if that's the case, co-sponsor of the Moelis Plan along with Blackstone.
Finally, we see how the daily analysis of FnF comes down to conspirators aiming to downplay expectations with the court news that harm our interests (NWS a Taking case, when it's a separate account case), Warrant rhetoric, etc., just after they had mulled their legal defense strategy in the offices of private law firms in Washington, to avoid being caught. Hours and hours spent in TikTok videoconferences with their accessories on the internet message boards.
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01/09/23 11:16 AM

#743994 RE: Robert from yahoo bd #743943

I hope for a hearing and accurate decision

I would say that if we got a hearing and lost - no taking - this is as much fascist - and autocratic (near monarchy) as it is Karl Marx ----- massive amounts of business and personal property rights are TAKEN by the extreme right - as much as the extreme left

all IMO - i.e. the bias to call bad things socialist and avoid associating with autocrats and extreme right - IMO - is an absolutely harmful bias