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12/23/22 5:41 PM

#216084 RE: moneycrew #216083


12/23/22 5:52 PM

#216085 RE: moneycrew #216083

“I can give you alot more about what's going to happen but I'll let it go and be a big surprise.”

Now the story changes, as usual.

He was a big investor and brought other big investors in. Sold his shares and flew to DC to help “push” leronlimab along because of his political ties. Bought back in after that. He then became an investigative expert and always said CYDY did nothing wrong; CYDY which included NP at the time. The “shorts” were going to get in trouble he said and then…only an indictment for NP and Kazempour. No mention of shorts, etc. laughing.


12/23/22 6:47 PM

#216091 RE: moneycrew #216083

Sorry, CYDY is now a FRAUD -- publicly declared by the SEC, DOJ and FDA. How much more HARM can you have. No creditor will loan them money, no BP will touch a FRAUD, current creditors know that stock is bordering on worthless, easy target for more class action suits, etc. etc.

You can't have a worse event happen that what has just happened. Watch what CYDY will have to do -- they will have to publicly admit that all their clinical data is a fraud. Next conference call should be interesting.

NP is nailed dead to rights -- the FDA ratted them out and is the best testimony a lawyer can have in court to fry NP. Insider trading information is public record -- you seem to have missed it.

Seem to misunderstand what has really happened and how much more DOJ, SEC and FDA are going to go -- mTNBC, CYDY's use of "investor relations" vendors are still to come. CYDY is toast -- no evidence of 13Ders, or any other outsiders under investigation. Delusional. Did you notice Dr. Kelly's sudden "resignation" two days before NP's indictment. Dr. Kelly is the lead on the mTNBC data, did insider trading (also public record) and CYDY just washed their hands of him to try and avoid more FRAUD stink.