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Day Trdr Belle

02/15/07 12:46 AM

#91993 RE: hayloft999 #91986

Now that was very to the point and funny! ;)

"DTB, if you want to understand mass psychology you've come to the right board, because it's full of innuendo, rumour and dead money."

I have had XKEM on radar for probably over a year or so. Every now and again, I get a gut feeling about something. Aside from that, I have no other logical reason. I do understand your point about if it is so good, why aren't the financiers standing in line. Then again, I often ask myself why YMI is still dipping after a 50% haircut and is and basically trading near cash. They had a breast cancer drug that got ditched in the last phase and the stock tanked. People forget that they have two other promising drugs. Lack of patience, I think is the downfall. Soon enough, they are bound to be bought out. A company can only trade at cash for so long before someone picks them up. This is just my experience with YMI. I know... more info than you asked for.... Sorry. ;)