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12/19/22 8:04 AM

#432383 RE: PhenixBleu #432381

LOL He's not a researcher. He's an anti vaccine crackpot. At one point he was a decent lawyer doing some good for the environment but now he's just into fear mongering and most likely getting people killed with his nonsense. Hey, my kid's got polio, a case of measles and covid but he's not autistic.

The Anti-Vaccine Propaganda of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Or how an environmental lawyer led a crusade against vaccines and spread lies to marginalized communities

Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. | 16 Apr 2021


12/19/22 8:36 AM

#432384 RE: PhenixBleu #432381

RFK Jr. has been thoroughly discredited for his misinformation and conspiracy theories RE Covid and the Covid vaxxes. At what point do his absurdly unsubstantiated assertions reach a critical mass sufficient for a reasonably well informed person to do repeated 'WTF?!' forehead slaps? 5G?

See also: COVID-19 misinformation

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Kennedy promoted multiple conspiracy theories related to COVID-19 including false claims both Anthony Fauci and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are trying to profit off a vaccine,[208][209][210] and suggesting that Bill Gates would cut off access to money of people who do not get vaccinated, allowing them to starve.[211]

In August 2020, Kennedy appeared in an hour-long interview with Alec Baldwin on Instagram, where he touted a number of incorrect and misleading claims about vaccines and public health measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Baldwin was criticized by public health officials and scientists for allowing Kennedy's proclamations to go unchallenged.[212]

Kennedy has promoted misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine, falsely suggesting that it contributed to the death of 86-year-old Hank Aaron and others.[213][214][7] In February 2021 his Instagram account was blocked for "repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines."[215][216] The Center for Countering Digital Hate identified Kennedy as one of the main propagators of conspiracy theories about Bill Gates and 5G phone technology. His success as a conspiracy theorist increased his social media impact considerably; between the Spring and the Fall of 2020, his Instagram account grew from 121,000 followers to 454,000.[173][217]

In November 2021, Kennedy's book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health was published wherein he alleges Fauci sabotaged treatments for AIDS, violated federal laws, and conspired with Bill Gates and social media companies such as Facebook to suppress any information about COVID-19 cures, to leave vaccines as the only options to fight the pandemic.[218][219]

In the book, Kennedy calls Fauci "a powerful technocrat who orchestrated and executed the historic 2020 coup against Western democracy". He claims Fauci and Bill Gates plan to prolong the pandemic and exaggerate its effects, promoting expensive vaccinations for the benefit of "a powerful vaccination cartel".

[220] The book repeats several discredited myths about the COVID-19 pandemic, notably about the effectiveness of ivermectin.[221] The Neue Zürcher Zeitung has said of the book "…polemics alternate with chapters that pedantically seek to substantiate Kennedy's accusations with numerous quotations and studies."[220] He also released a video depicting Fauci with a Hitler moustache.[222] In response to the book, Fauci called Kennedy "a very disturbed individual."[223]

Kennedy wrote the foreword for Plague of Corruption (2020), a book by former research scientist and anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist Judy Mikovits.[7]

Kennedy appeared as a speaker at the partially violent demonstration in Berlin on August 29, 2020, where populist groups called for an end to restrictions caused by COVID-19.[224][225] His YouTube account was removed in late September 2021 for breaking the company's new policies on vaccine misinformation.[226]

In a January 23, 2022, speech at an anti-vaccination rally in Washington D.C., Kennedy said: "Even in Hitler's Germany, you could cross the Alps into Switzerland, you can hide in the attic like Anne Frank did…Today the mechanisms are being put in place that will make it so none of us can run, none of us can hide."[227]

The Auschwitz Memorial stated on Twitter: "Exploiting of the tragedy of people who suffered, were humiliated, tortured & murdered by the totalitarian regime of Nazi Germany - including children like Anne Frank - in a debate about vaccines & limitations during global pandemic is a sad symptom of moral & intellectual decay."[228] Two days later, Kennedy apologized for his comment.

Several members from his close family have distanced themselves from his anti-vaccination activities and condemned Kennedy's comments equating public health measures with nazi atrocities.[195] On May 8, 2019, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Joseph P. Kennedy and Maeve Kennedy McKean wrote an open letter stating that while their relative has championed many admirable causes, he "has helped to spread dangerous misinformation over social media and is complicit in sowing distrust of the science behind vaccines".[196] On December 30, 2020, Kennedy's niece Kerry Kennedy Meltzer, a physician, wrote a similar open letter. She argued her uncle published misinformation about the side effects of the new COVID-19 vaccines.[197]

In early March 2021, Kennedy's anti-vaccine organization, Children's Health Defense released a new anti-vaccine propaganda video, "Medical Racism: The New Apartheid" that promotes COVID-19 conspiracy theories and claims that COVID-19 vaccination efforts are medical experiments on the Black community.

Kennedy himself appears in the video, inviting the viewers to disregard information dispensed by health authorities and doctors. Brandi Collin-Dexter, a Fellow at the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy states "the notorious figures and false narratives in the documentary were recognizable" and that "the film's incompatible narratives sought to take advantage of the pain felt by Black communities".[205][206][207]