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02/15/07 10:40 AM

#980 RE: silver70 #975

It's not a question of support for me, it's a question of completeness and accuracy from the original text and other religious documents. The timelines in the KJV are just messed up as is the accuracy of the transliteration and translation which was mostly derived from the Greek versions of the ancient text which is messed up in itself. The translation from the ancient original text to the greek language was badly misinterpreted and then from the greek to what you have now is even worse. As such I don't use any "BIBLE" so to speak. I like to go back to the original text and translate it myself actually.

It's very different from what you read in the KJV and that's where the KJV came from.

An easy example of that would be the chronological timeline for the "flood" or in the ancient text called the Deluge. There's no doubt that there was a great cataclysmic event that caused large portions of the world to be flooded but the geological evidence puts it occurring at around 13500 years ago and that aligns perfectly with the chronology of some of the ancient sumerian cylinder seals and tablets as well as mesopotamian ancient texts that talk of that deluge/flood but the KJV has it occurring roughly 4500 years ago and it just simply didn't happen in that time.