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12/17/22 11:24 AM

#742390 RE: bobstruths #742388

Are you in Metaverse?
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12/17/22 12:52 PM

#742396 RE: bobstruths #742388

Excellent thesis, makes a lot more sense why shares are clinging to 40 pennies. American Bull has a strong buy on the GSEs, perhaps they are aware of this news. ;-)
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12/17/22 1:24 PM

#742398 RE: bobstruths #742388

It is not helpful to use inflated numbers, also in the letters to politicians. Treasury paid $191 billion to FnF, and this sum at least must be subtracted from the $300+ billion paid by FnF. This is true whether the government made a $191 billion loan - as was the case with the TBTF banks - or whether the government took a stake in the GSEs via SPS preferred stock.

Cancellation of the NWS would not make the government's $191 billion claim go away. Also, the SPS's regular 10% dividends are legitimate claims of the government under HERA. A serious violation of the law and overreach was to increase the SPS dividend to the total Net Worth of FnF from 2012. However, cancellation of the NWS would only make this overpayment refundable - unless HERA is challenged as well.

There was a good reason why the Collins plaintiffs before SCOTUS had only asked for about $29 billion in compensation (besides cancellation of the SPS). Had the Collins plaintiffs asked for $300 billion, they would have made fools of themselves. So would anyone else here citing that $300 billion as a legitimate claim.

Using another poster's claim that Treasury using the NWS has taken $300billion from FnF that it will have to return to FnF if the NWS is unwound...

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12/18/22 2:30 PM

#742439 RE: bobstruths #742388

There is always a reason or an excuse not to do something positive here.

Not enough time. too hard.. bad karma... someone spilled the milk... yada yada..

But, come on ya'll just get it done. Release them and do the honorable thing.

What's the reason ... to just get it done!