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12/09/22 11:28 AM

#100532 RE: Gypsyinu #100531

Why do you ask?

As far as I know, no one in the USA CAN BUY SHARES OF GVSI until it goes PINK.

If you’re a Canadian citizen, you can buy if you are on Canadian soil, sitting in a chair, on a computer, that is inside the Canadian border.

I have a friend in The Netherlands that tried to buy in his country. No luck. Maybe there are other countries where you can buy, but I don’t know of any.

What country are you in if you don’t mind me asking?

I cannot buy shares now of $GVSI, so you know I’m not in Canada. I bought my shares before it went EXPERT MARKET, if that helps answer your question.


If you can’t get any shares of $GVSI, try SRNW, FORW, WNFT and CSUI.