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12/08/22 7:20 PM

#96835 RE: I ll be back #96833

Actually, you were correct on the crook. As far as his IQ, one only has to look at how many times he has played investor to know the guy is NOT stupid, at least at the Con artist game

Let me clarify.
The guy IS a convincing and credible con artist. So in the same way that he pretends that DECN is the next big thing, he pretends that he has an unsurpassed intellect and anyone who questions him can be insulted and disregarded, Which is a red flag!
And that is stupid
Its not what I would call 'a growth mindset' is it?
See I approached DECN with a willingness and ability to learn.
And that I did!
Conversely Berman is experiencing what we call "'a teachable moment!"
Excellent work your earlier FBI involvement!
Without such rigor I am sure I could have falllen victim to this scam as many did. So
"... If I have seen further than most, it is only because I have stood on the shoulders of giants!"
Berman is an intellectual pygmy! If he wasn't so stupid, he could have got away with it! He hasn't!.