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11/25/22 12:38 PM

#430135 RE: PhenixBleu #430126

Did you actually read this? It seems unlikely - one mention of vaccinations, no definitive cause and effect cited. From Science magazine:

"So I've been getting questions about what this means for vaccination: if we're causing people to express Spike protein via mRNA or adenovirus vectors, are we damaging them just as if they'd been infected with coronavirus? Fortunately, the answer definitely seems to be "no" - in fact, the pseudovirus paper notes near the end that the antibody response generated by vaccination against the Spike protein will be beneficial in two ways, against infection and against the Spike-mediated endothelial damage as well. "

From Immunize BC:

"The mRNA vaccines work by teaching our cells how to make a harmless spike protein that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. The body then makes antibodies to help you fight infection if the COVID-19 virus enters your body."

Etc, etc. Listen, go through life believing whatever you'd like, it makes no difference to me. The thing that really is bothersome, though, is how your poorly reasoned stance might effect people who can get covid from you and other idiots.

You realize, I'm sure, that covid mutates in unvaccinated people, putting us all at further risk, continuously. And, hey, have you heard that vaccines cause autism? A lot of people are saying that's true!

Let me guess, you're a Gary Null fan.


11/25/22 12:41 PM

#430136 RE: PhenixBleu #430126

You moron,. that is a debunked site no matter how good the visuals are.They are not a medical backed establishment, but an advertising site and american front line quacks push their sick agenda on that site and others. You continue to search and find shit that fits your beliefs. It is you that does not seek real information. You are a phony and sick asshole. Go back to your losing stock board where you can censor people just like hewhoshitsinpants, your lover. You make tRump jr. look smart.

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11/25/22 12:44 PM

#430138 RE: PhenixBleu #430126

Can you share with us what year you dropped out of a shit HS?

The Epoch Times is a far-right[1] international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement.[29] The newspaper, based in New York City, is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television.[30] The Epoch Times has websites in 35 countries but is blocked in mainland China.[31]

The Epoch Times opposes the Chinese Communist Party,[32][33][22] promotes far-right politicians in Europe,[8][10][22] and has championed former President Donald Trump in the U.S.;[34][35] a 2019 report by NBC News showed it to be the second-largest funder of pro-Trump Facebook advertising after the Trump campaign.
[30][36][22] The Epoch Times frequently promotes other Falun Gong-affiliated groups, such as the performing arts company Shen Yun.[34][24][37] The Epoch Media Group's news sites and YouTube channels have spread misinformation and conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation,[34][40] and false claims of fraud in the 2020 United States presidential election.[43]

COVID-19 coverage and misinformation
See also: Misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic § Wuhan lab origin

The Epoch Times has spread misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic in print and via social media including Facebook and YouTube.[98][99] Raquel Miguel of the European watchdog EU DisinfoLab said in 2022: "The Epoch Times has played a noticeable role in transmitting and amplifying many anti-vaccine narratives".[22]

It has promoted anti-CCP rhetoric and conspiracy theories about the pandemic, for example through an eight-page special edition called "How the Chinese Communist Party Endangered the World", which was distributed unsolicited in April 2020 to mail customers in the U.S., Canada, and Australia.[100][101]

In the newspaper, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is known as the "CCP virus",[98][100][93] and a commentary in the paper posed the question, "is the novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan an accident occasioned by weaponizing the virus at that [Wuhan P4 virology] lab?"[98][100] The paper's editorial board suggested that COVID-19 patients cure themselves by "condemning the CCP" and "maybe a miracle will happen".[71]

In France, "special" French-language print editions of The Epoch Times were distributed in 2021 during anti-Health pass protests.[75] In Germany, The Epoch Times has published articles blasting the legitimacy of PCR tests and promoting conspiracy theories about vaccination mishaps.[22]

The misinformation tracker NewsGuard called the French page of The Epoch Times one of the "super-spreaders" of COVID-19 misinformation on Facebook, citing an Epoch Times article that suggested the virus was artificially created.[102][103] NewsGuard later changed the rating of the English edition of The Epoch Times from green to red.[31]

A February 17, 2020, Epoch Times story shared a map from the internet that falsely alleged massive sulfur dioxide releases from crematoria during the COVID-19 pandemic in China, speculating that 14,000 bodies may have been burned.[104] A fact check by AFP reported that the map was a NASA forecast taken out of context.[104]

A widely viewed video released by The Epoch Times on April 7, 2020, was flagged by Facebook as "partly false" for "the unsupported hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioengineered virus released from a Wuhan research laboratory." The video featured Judy Mikovits, an anti-vaccination activist.[105][106] The fact-checker Health Feedback said of the video that "several of its core scientific claims are false and its facts, even when accurate, are often presented in a misleading way."[99]

On April 29, 2020, a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) story reported that some Canadians were upset to receive a special edition of The Epoch Times that called COVID-19 the "CCP virus". The CBC later retracted a headline on its story that had quoted a recipient saying the special edition was "racist and inflammatory", and the CBC also retracted a claim that The Epoch Times edition had concluded that COVID-19 was a bioweapon.[100][107] Opinion columns published by conservative tabloid The Toronto Sun accused the CBC of bias against The Epoch Times[108][109] and said the CBC's report may have misled readers into thinking The Epoch Times was spreading anti-Asian sentiment.[109]

In February 2021, an investigator for EU DisinfoLab found that Tierra Pura, a Spanish-language website first launched in Argentina in March 2020 that publishes COVID-19 misinformation, is closely linked to The Epoch Times and Falun Gong. At the time, the site was the most shared outlet in Spain's COVID-19-skeptic Telegram channels and groups. The Epoch Times and Tierra Pura denied being linked.[110][111][112]

In January 2022, the German edition of The Epoch Times amplified accusations by German activist Steffen Löhnitz that the Austrian government had deliberately inflated infection numbers to justify a lockdown. It said Löhnitz had been digging up "correct numbers" and reported his claims of "massive fraud" as fact. The Epoch Times story was shared by figures from Querdenken, Germany's anti-lockdown movement.[22]

Social media bans

A shit load of 'em.


11/25/22 3:01 PM

#430155 RE: PhenixBleu #430126

shut the fu-u-u-uck u-up, you moronic, brain dead toad.


11/25/22 3:04 PM

#430156 RE: PhenixBleu #430126

Epochtimes = nutjobs.


11/25/22 7:46 PM

#430165 RE: PhenixBleu #430126

Only the true sheep believe in animal medicine for covid. Ivermectin is a total laugher, but only the sheep dig it.