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11/23/22 2:26 PM

#23801 RE: BrianHaugli #23800

Stated much better than i


11/29/22 4:31 PM

#23805 RE: BrianHaugli #23800

Misguided??? That's all you have to say? You misconstrue one detail and take exception, but have no response to anything else? "I NEVER WAS [part of CLOK]" Such a simple statement and also a fact, granted. And pray, please tell us, is your bro buddy David Chasteen able to make the same statement in reverse??? Is it not noteworthy that you were simultaneously SideChannel business partners with CLOK CEO DAVID CHASTEEN at the time that the deal was stuck for CLOK to 'purchase' (air quotes) SideChannel from you and your bro SideChannel Partner David Chasteen?

Has your ambition made you completely blind? This really makes me wonder, why is it that I am ungladly suffering fools right now?

"The outcome is a positive for all shareholders."??? Pray, please tell us how is the present outcome a positive for shareholders. Stock price was down to eleven cents when I checked this morning. Is that a positive outcome???

Did you ever take an ethics class? Do you understand the term conflict of interest? Was your good buddy and Side Channel Partner David Chasteen not also serving the position of CEO of CLOK at the very same time that CLOK "purchased" Sidechannel? Is it not misleading to call it a purchase when you nearly instantly became a controlling owner of the purchaser and then renamed the company to the name of your company that was supposedly purchased? Like a Black Widow, you have consumed CLOK immediately after CLOK made a very large deposit onto your Personal Balance Sheet.

I wonder, if you sold someone your house, would you expect them to pay to remodel it while also letting you live in it for free indefinitely? Taking this analogy a step further, have you ever considered selling your house to your bro buddy David Chasteen?

And that isn't even counting this huge bonus of more shares you will received for a simple one year revenue goal. Pray please tell all of us shareholders how we will benefit by SideChannel hitting the revenue goal??? It seems to me that it is definitely in shareholders best interest for you to miss that goal rather that further diluting our shares. I doubt we feel any benefit from you hitting that low revenue goal. And that is such a low goal, why is it based on revenue instead of profit? It seems like you've been given a free a penalty kick without a goalie. The number of shares you will receive for hitting that revenue goal is absolutely absurd. A deal this lopsided only comes from either a complete fool or maybe an interest conflicted bro deal such as the one you and Chasteen contrived.

"What else would I have you do?", you ask? Turn the bogus bonus you will receive into a dividend for all shareholders, we deserve it more than you do. And if you won't do that, then start working on increasing stock price by at least 1000% and share your plan how you are going to make that happen. Make stock price your #1 priority instead of your personal balance sheet. And fire Chasteen for low ethics, he should have resigned from CLOK prior to that deal being struck. And let's have an independent third party ethics review of that interest conflicted bro deal!