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11/22/22 12:27 PM

#89452 RE: RockyW #89451

What exactly do you mean by, "with so many shares outstanding, hardly anybody is selling?" That's what's known as a non sequitur. It's like me saying bc the ocean is wet, I like eating eggs for breakfast. The second part has nothing to do with the first. Are you implying that bc there's a Mt. Everest of OS available that that somehow means demand is high and holding on to your shares is going to create some kind of increase in price? Back to the analogies, that's like me taking a bucket to the beach and scooping up sand and claiming that if I just hold onto this bucket tightly then that will prevent others from taking their bucket to the beach and scooping up sand on their own. All this is assuming that the market (beach) is even open to the market (beachgoers), which it isn't. I think there's some error in logic going on here. The grief cycle is five stages; 1) Denial, 2) Anger, 3) Bargaining, 4) Depression, 5) Acceptance. Most of y'all are still at step 1.


11/22/22 12:44 PM

#89454 RE: RockyW #89451

I hope it works out for investors here, but it’s extremely risky at this point


11/22/22 1:24 PM

#89457 RE: RockyW #89451

Wait six months on CE and see what the selling is like. The real CE hasn't even sunk in to the blind peeps yet.