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11/16/22 7:41 AM

#429459 RE: livefree_ordie #429457

Good for you, you believe in fairy tales, but the rest of the world stands up to dictators, and stop them. You really enjoy kissing someone's ass. Someone needs to take you behind the barn and smack the shit out of you.


11/16/22 8:27 AM

#429464 RE: livefree_ordie #429457

That's a very lame rationalization for Trump's behavior vis a vis Putin. When Trump stated in Helsinki, standing on the same stage with Putin, 'I don't know why they would interfere', despite being told by all of our intel agencies that's exactly what the Russians did, that's called kissing your enemy's ass.

If that didn't make you cringe, if it didn't make you ask yourself 'WTF does Putin have on this dolt?', then you are not a reality based individual.

How about keep your friends close and your declared adversaries, declared by the adversary's words and actions, at arm's length? Cooperate where possible, oppose where necessary.

Trump was soft on opposition to Putin, suspiciously, unprecedentedly and shamefully so compared with all presidents who preceded him.


11/16/22 11:18 AM

#429477 RE: livefree_ordie #429457

This isn't a pool hall buddy. It's the United states of America. Your hero wouldn't know what international diplomacy is if it came up and bit him in his big fat diaper.

It might work with his sycophants here but they are a dying breed too.

Trump was laughed at and mocked everywhere he went and played like a fiddle by fascist dictators over the globe. Shove that old mafia saying straight back up your behind.


11/16/22 4:36 PM

#429493 RE: livefree_ordie #429457

livefree_ordie, Told you before you should read more. Had intended to just get this one on this board anywhere, but yours there

"It is a very simple and old concept here. Trump knew it well. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Very simple concept.
This way Putin stays on his toes as does the Chinese nut job commie, they did not know how to handle this person. Simple.

has given me even more reason to. It is as fitting for you as it was for aI44 .. .

al44, Trump's traitorous Jan. 6 effort aside, you have saddled yourself to arguably the most selfish, self-centered and incompetent president in America's history. Noted your article [ Insert here al44's article, ] says, "Here are five of Trump's key accomplishments in the eyes of the administration, the president and his supporters." Well ok we've all seen plenty of those lists. See a select few more independently arrived at views:

The Men Who Gave Trump His Brutal Worldview
"Trump and the Aristocracy of Fraud"
Related: Just stumbled across this one. Like grandfather, like father, like son:
The Trump Files: Trump's Long History of Getting Sued By His Own Lawyers
P - Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All
“The Art of the Deal” made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing
knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth—and regrets it.
P - David Cay Johnston wrote the book on Trump
P - The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet
P - 50 years later, disagreements over young Trump’s military academy record
P - He’ll Take the Low Road: Trump’s Tortured History With Scotland
P - Revealing the True Donald Trump: A Devastating Indictment of His Business & Life (2016)

On Trump's foreign policy:

It is well known Trump was in favor of bombing Iran.

rooster, Trump should have bombed Iran, eh. That would have told the world America should always be feared.
David A. Andelman Trump wanted to bomb Iran — and still could — leaving Biden to pick up the pieces
Trump still has time before he leaves office to cause the kind of toxic and even deadly diplomatic crisis that Biden will be hard-pressed to undo.
You know he was talked out of that.

Trump disparaged NATO. Trump withdrew from a number of cooperative international agreements.

ForReal, Aside from DD's point that Trump could well have done Putin's bidding and taken
the US out of international bodies, your "Trump was the only one to stand up to them." is a lie.
P -Trump simply kept up the pressure Bush and Obama before him did on other
NATO members. They just didn't shout if from the rooftops as Trump did.

Paris deal to WHO, the 11 organisations Donald Trump’s US has pulled out of, weakened
From weakening WTO and NATO to pulling out of several UN organisations,
Donald Trump has now targeted at least 11 global cooperation bodies or pacts.
Srijan Shukla
30 May, 2020 06:51 pm IST

To Trump's domestic mismanagement:

His virtually negligent homicide in his outlook toward communicable diseases is inarguable. His record there speaks for itself. And himself. See:

hap, Sure.., those lists we've had plenty of times two. Yes, "for those who voted for trump twice" i did just recently say that .. irresponsible. One of the most criminal presidents ever elected in the U.S.A. Character is of no matter in your Trumpian America, is it. Not for those as you who still support the guy who welcomed Putin's 2016 election involvement. And who pulled an attempted blackmail on Ukraine in an effort to get that foreign power to dig up dirt on his opponent in the 2020 American presidential election. And who threatened to pull all troops from Saudi Arabia if Salman didn't cut oil production there ..
P - Special Report: Trump told Saudi: Cut oil supply or lose U.S. military support - sources
Easy to cherry pick, eh hap. To your "Unprecedented Economic Boom
Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy." Two will do for those two.
P - One - rooster, NEVER should Trump's negligent disregard for virus protection for America be forgotten. The safeguards protecting America were put there by more aware, more caring and immensely more responsible presidents before him. Trump dismantled an important part of America's defense against disease. Then downplayed it when it did arrive. All of that should never be forgotten. Or forgiven. NEVER.

One other along those lines:
shurtha2000, Cute. You got the wrong administration is all.
New Revelations Emerge on How Donald Trump Killed 400,000 (or More) Americans

Agricultural? From some of the horse's mouths

Trump is playing U.S. farmers for fools...

As for your Trump's love of the old trickle down conservative con:

conix, Bullshit. It's virtually impossible to separate Biden's contribution to the
present inflation from Trump's earlier. And of course Trump's tariffs etc etc .
P - well, one actual solution is to vote the republican morons out.... their last antic of the 25% tariffs was rocket fuel to inflation. They have proved to be a total disaster as to economic policy. Crippled our farmers after they had been working to develop international markets successfully. Great move, the agricultural tariffs, notice a change at the grocery store? How did the trickle down from the huge billionaire tax cut work our for you?
P - Now tell us what has happened to Truss's tax cut for the wealthy proposal
P - UK backflips on tax cut for wealthy that sparked market turmoil

Lastly here, to family -- How Jared Kushner Washed His Hands of Donald Trump Before Jan. 6
"Takeaways: Trump’s mind ‘made up’ on fraud ahead of Jan. 6"


11/16/22 5:22 PM

#429496 RE: livefree_ordie #429457

Trumpy has/had a very close relationship with Putin