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Dragon Lady

12/13/22 11:12 AM

#106730 RE: REAGAN #106728


WTF does this scam aka "$99 per month rent-a-desk" actually DO as a "business" other than DILUTE n DUMP SHARES by and for... ole Miguel ?????

Merry Christmas Reagan and happy new year 2023..the year USRM-a-CON FILES BK :)

They are MIRED IN LAWSUITS and DEFAULTED DEBTS OWED - including "STIFFING" a victim of a medical mal practice lawsuit THEY LOST and are now FAILING TO PAY THEIR PORTION THEY OWE HER OF THE SETTLEMENT =

SHE can sue them INTO BK ASAP - ...and she should "just do it" as NIKE says...ASAP !!

Other than DEFENDING LAWSUITS FOR "FAILURE TO PAY DEBTS" and being in "DEFAULT ON DEBTS" and dumping n diluting to KEEP THE NORTHSTAR BOYS CLUB "WHOLE" and PAY MIGUEL - WTF does this con job "DO" ...anyone...ANYONE explain it at a level a Jr High kid can understand ???????

ENDLESS DILUTION and when (he's almost 100 yrs old) when OLD MAN MURPHY BUYS THE DIRT FARM - this will go BK ASAP as HE "guarantees" the SEASIDE BANK OF FLORIDA $1 MIL LOAN...which is now a "ON DEMAND NOTE" and can be "called" at any time by that bank....

ADD-IN that they owe (and are being sued for same) over $1.6 MIL TO BRENDA LEONHARDT accruing 18% real interest (STAGGERING !!) and they can't pay her as they skimmed every asset and so much as $10 bucks cash and pocketed it and Miguel dumped ALL "assets" like the clinic scam and GAVE IT FOR FREE to Kristy and GAVE FOR FREE the stem banking biz to little Sean Berman WTF !!

BK FILING 2023....MY PREDICTION FOR THIS SMOKE n MIRRORS NEVER ENDING OTC CON near....and thankfully so...couldn't happen to a dirtier bunch of serial cons and butchers....blinding innocent old ladies and fleecing penny dupes of their life savings....dirty as a road-side gas station toilet seat.....
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Dragon Lady

01/15/23 9:22 AM

#106731 RE: REAGAN #106728


Lookies like....Ole Miguel aka TEFLON MIKE....while "running the rent-a-desk" of POS USRM - took "PERSONAL" FED GOVT PPP loans as a CON-sultant...cough...cough...supposed "INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR"...cough... LMAO !!!

WTF does he CON-sult or "CONTRACT" for... and to who and for how much etc ????

He play acts as CEO, CFO, COO, janitor and RENT-a-DESK seat occupier on this scam - so where's the CON-sulting gigs taking place and for who ?

He's MILKED USRM-a-CON BONE BONE DRY of every plug wooden nickel it ever had and produced REAL LOSSES TO SHAREHOLDER-BAGHOLDERS of negative 99.98% TOTAL LOSSES - so he's off SIDE-GIGGING and TAKING GOVT COIN TOO WTF ????

ADD TO "THE BIG FARCE" and forward to the SEC Miami office for their never ending and growing "file" on this smoke n mirrors machine LOL !!

Brenda may be able to go after some of that coin - since Miguel and crew always feign "WE BE BROKE AND CAN'TS PAYS NOBODIES CEPT OURSELVES n INSIDER FRIENDS" blah blah LOL !!!

What a shit-show BIG SHAM :)))