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11/15/22 1:32 PM

#86588 RE: Demolition Man #86586

Since you are making up your own statements , let me give you my most realistic prediction. Upon approval of the merger the share price will start to move up. Starting point a market-cap of 600 million ( that’s what Mark Smith dropped as a real possibility). The value of this company in production can easily command a market cap 10 billion , PE of 20 times Net Earnings. Since we will need three years to get to production the market will discount the full potential with 65% to 35% of the full value or 3 to 4 billion at 60 million shares that will be between 50 and 60 dollars per share after R/S. ( comparable with current of 5 or 6 dollar per share). That’s a 700 to 750% appreciation from today’s price. Good enough for me!
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11/15/22 2:07 PM

#86591 RE: Demolition Man #86586


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11/16/22 12:01 PM

#86629 RE: Demolition Man #86586

DM I don't remember $6 but I accept your recollection and am sure at some point he did, probably before Covid and Russia and the Ukraine getting in discussions with a SPAC. Two years ago I said we would be $1.90 US next year and was of course wrong. Reality is always interfering with intentions and expectations and Corporations are always having to modify their plans in the face of economic change. As suspected on this MB he had some firm that provided him with an intention to finance that was withdrawn after Covid startup and and the Biden election. ( Did the company you work for have to modify their objectives in this period???)

At this point M.S. has engineered this SPAC merge and submitted it to NIOCORP s/hs. As always the bank or group with the money will provide $$$ on terms that are favorable to them. The value for existing SHs is that the mine and processing facility FINALLY get built and our shares go along for the ride to production. There is a time value to $s, and the downside of wanting a possibly "better" finance deal means a further period where the earnings or growth of your capital are zilch.... I will take a middling to good deal and the sooner built mine over a perfect deal 3 years from now and a mine built in 7 or 8 years.

You have a vote in the upcoming meeting and can vote your can vote your shares No if you want. At the end of the day If you stay a shareholder emailing the company or voting shares are about the only leverage you have with managment. (Well, maybe a lawsuit if you have deep pockets.)

Once I incautiously suggested to someone else on the board selling and moving to another investment which was not well received so I will NOT suggest anything beyond the above.

(I remember that you currently hold I think TMRC? I hesitate to mention DMEHF, another Commodity mining company that is further along than NIOBF that is about to begin extraction/separation and producing their target product, Helium. Yes, I have some shares. )

At this point I will wait a short time (2-3 months) to see what happens with the NIOBF/SPAC merger R/S, and up listing NASDQ.

(GLTA to you and to everyone on the board!)