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11/15/22 10:56 AM

#246 RE: A Dinosaur #245

Why question the actions and decisions of a company you own if they don't look like they are managing it for the best interest of their shareholders? Why be afraid to ask the questions on what they are doing? Can you address the points raised like how are we making any money off the stock when the divvies to date plus the current stock price don't exceed the IPO price? In fact if its a loss if you add in the divvie taxes. Why sit on $40,000,000 while your shareholders are not seeing any return on their investment. Sorry that sounds like like being a lazy shareholder to me. If there is a grand plan please make me aware I have already endured an extended period of time with no return thinking that with current gold prices as well as what appears to be a successful mining efforts should result in some increase in my investment. Is everyone on the Fortitude team still getting paid what they were 3 years ago? If we are to sit here and scratch out heads on what has to happen before we shareholders get some more gruel please then tell us why? I am retired I have been a long term investor for many years back to the GORO days. I want to hear what the long term plans are. I need cashflow too! I have what for me is a significant top three investment in my portfolio here. What has to happen for the divvie or share price to increase? When can Mgmt. start giving us a positive real return on our investment? Even the Feds will admit to 8% inflation anything return less than that and you are losing $$$....not to mention not getting a return.