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11/14/22 9:22 AM

#740318 RE: jeddiemack #740316

jeddiemack, you are exactly right, it did not start with the NWS.

Hank said it right out of his mouth! Nationalized

Former Secretary Treasury Hank Paulson Quote: “Nationalize them”.
“If we had not Nationalized Fannie and Freddie” Time 0:48


The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) considers the conservatorship as Unfunded Liabilities.

Constitution of the United States
Fifth Amendment

“Nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

nationalization (noun) · nationalizations (plural noun) · nationalization (noun) · nationalizations (plural noun)

The transfer of a major branch of industry or commerce from private to state ownership or control. Takings Clause A property owner may bring a claim in federal court under the Fifth Amendment when the government has violated the Takings Clause by taking property without just compensation.

When the FHFA with the Treasury took over Fannie and Freddie the Treasury received 79.9% warrants with an option to convert the warrants to common stock. If and when the Treasury converts the warrants to common stock any amount above the 79.9% is considered a takeover of the companies de facto Nationalization. The amount of debt the companies held at the time of the takeover if added to the National Debt this amount would have pushed passed the threshold of the limit of the debt ceiling: This is the reason for the limited amount of 79.9%.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) considers the conservatorship as Unfunded Liabilities, this is liabilities not added to the national debt but debt the U.S. States Government has said we will pay. The National Debt today stands at $31 trillion. The US Unfunded Liabilities are $172 trillion. So, in one sense the U.S. States Government has already Nationalized Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. See link below...

Note: upper left hand corner US National Debt and bottom right US Unfunded Liabilities.
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11/14/22 2:20 PM

#740347 RE: jeddiemack #740316

Yes not only was the 10% dividend designed to keep them under, write down of DTAs also had a impact. HERA (or it's misinterpretation) allowed conservator to take decisions that were contrary to 'Conservation' without judicial review.