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11/13/22 10:12 PM

#51714 RE: mrbojangle #51711

As evil as Madoff? Well, like Ioseb Dzhugashvili used to say, a single divorce, or a single bankruptcy, or a single suicide, or a single ruined retirement --- those of course are tragic. But 10 thousand or more, that's just a statistic.

If you wish to rate people on a scale, judge them by their fruits.

A quarter billion dollars in losses would amount to about 50,000 families losing about $5,000 a piece. And some lost considerably more that $5,000. I have no idea how many divorces that may have caused, or suicides, or as I presume most likely, ruined retirements. I just can't get my hands around that kind of misery times 10 thousand.

But a con is a con, be careful how you rate them or play them You do realize, if you play a harmless game of 3 card Monte on the corner of a NY Sidewalk, and catch the dealer bending the corner of the Queen card over your $20 bet, you could be killed? Not a stretch, there is a reason why the dealer has that gun. And there is a reason why Zion Oil brought on so many lawyers to run the company back in 2018 when they announced the oil discovery at Megiddo.